Then, a small but mighty team of caregivers, which included Sandra Grunwaldt, Shandra Smith, Deb Dumont, Dave Turnbull and the Materials Management team, and Vince Mitchell and the Safety and Security team went to work using Sacred Trust, Team Accountability and Creative Vitality to make sure we could get the hand sanitizer to those who needed it.
We offered it to our caregivers to pick up and even delivered it to our clinics. Sandi, Shandra, Deb and Dave hit the phones and made calls to our local community partners including government agencies, area businesses and nonprofits. In just a few days we were able to distribute all of the sanitizer! It was much appreciated by our community, as well as our own caregivers.
“Thank you, we are going to give some to our church and family who can’t get away from home,” Le Prensa Curley said.
“Our patients are very happy for the hand sanitizer,” said June Brewer of the patients at San Juan Health Partners Family Medicine in Aztec.
If you went down to the basement at all last week- you saw just how much there was, packed in boxes lining the walls. This was quite a feat and a testament to our incredible ability to work together quickly and efficiently whenever the need arises.