To assure patient privacy, all requests for information, interviews of hospital staff or physicians, and filming or photographing on hospital property must be arranged through the public relations coordinator at 505.609.2238.
Patient condition reports may be requested from the public relations coordinator during normal business hours, but no information will be released if the request does not include the patient's full name. Patient condition reports may be requested from a management resource nurse ONLY after hours or on weekends. Members of the media may obtain contact information for our management resource nurse through our public relations coordinator.
Condition information may be released (unless the patient or minor's family request no release) in cases where the patient's presence is a matter of public record. Condition information will be restricted to a single word or phrase listed below:
- Undetermined
- Good
- Fair
- Serious
- Critical
- Deceased
- Treated and released
- Treated and transferred
Announcement of death is not routinely made by the hospital. However, news of the death of a patient is public information after the family has been notified or after all reasonable efforts to notify the family have been made. Cause of death will not be reported.
We cannot release information regarding the date of patient release, transfer, or the location of the patient upon release or transfer without patient authorization.
No information regarding the diagnosis, prognosis, extent of injury or illness, cause of the injury, or circumstances of the injury will be released other than the conditions reported above.