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Patient Rights and Responsibilities

We consider you a partner in your hospital care. When you are well-informed, participate in treatment decisions, and communicate openly with your doctor and other health professionals, you help make your care as effective as possible. The hospital encourages respect for the personal preferences and values of each individual, regardless of age, race, sex, creed, language, national origin, or source of payment. 

Patient's Bill of Rights | CMS

As a patient in a hospital in New Mexico, you have the right, consistent with law to:

  • Considerate and respectful care.
  • Obtain relevant, current, and understandable information concerning your diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis from doctors and other direct caregivers.
  • Consent to or refuse treatment, as permitted by law, throughout your hospital stay. If you refuse a recommended treatment, you will be informed of the medical consequences of this action and receive other needed and available care.
  • Be informed about unanticipated outcomes of care. The responsible, licensed independent practitioner or his or her designees should clearly explain the outcome of any treatments that differ significantly from the anticipated outcomes.
  • Have an advance directive, such as a living will or healthcare proxy. These documents express your choices about your future care or name someone to decide if you cannot speak for yourself. If you have a written advance directive, you should provide a copy to the hospital, your family, and your doctor.
  • Privacy and to receive care in a safe setting. The hospital, your doctor, and others caring for you will protect your personal privacy.
  • Expect that treatment records are confidential unless you have given permission to release information, or reporting is required or permitted by law.
  • Review your medical records and to have information explained, except when restricted by law.
  • Expect that the hospital will give you necessary health services to the best of its ability. Treatment, referral, or transfer may be recommended. If a transfer is recommended or requested, you will be informed of the risks, benefits, and alternatives. You will not be transferred until the other institution agrees to accept you.
  • Know if this hospital has relationships with outside parties that may influence your treatment and care. These relationships may be with educational institutions, other healthcare providers, or insurers.
  • Consent or decline to take part in research affecting your care. If you choose not to take part, you will receive the most effective care the hospital otherwise provides.
  • Be told of realistic care alternatives when hospital care is no longer appropriate.
  • Know about hospital rules that affect you and your treatment and about charges and payment methods. You have the right to know about hospital resources, such as patient representatives or ethics committees, that can help you resolve problems and questions about your hospital stay and care.
  • Request a consultation with the hospital Ethics Committee by contacting Patient Experience at 505. 609. 6963. The purpose of the Ethics Committee is to educate, consider, advise, and assist in resolving only the most difficult ethical issues that have failed to be resolved elsewhere.
  • Have your pain addressed by your health care provider. You have the right to information about pain and pain relief measures. Treating your pain as a partnership between you and your health care provider, we are committed to working with you in obtaining the best management of your pain as possible.
  • Receive care in the least restrictive environment that is appropriate for your treatment plan. You will not be restrained or placed in seclusion unless it is determined that such restrictions are necessary to protect you or others from harm.
  • Designate who may be permitted to visit during the hospital stay in accordance with the hospital's policy. 


Patient Responsibilities

  • As a patient, you also have responsibilities. You are responsible for providing information about your health, including past illnesses, hospital stays, and use of medicine. You are responsible for asking questions when you do not understand information or instructions. If you believe you cannot follow through with your treatment, you are responsible for telling your doctor.
  • San Juan Regional Medical Center works to provide care efficiently and fairly to all patients and the region. You and your visitors are responsible for being considerate of the needs of other patients, staff, and the hospital. You are responsible for providing information for insurance and for working with the hospital to arrange payment, when needed.
  • Your health depends not just on your hospital care, but in the long term, on the decisions you make in your daily life. You are responsible for recognizing the effect of lifestyle on your personal health.
  • A hospital serves many purposes. Hospitals work to improve people's health; treat people with injury and disease; educate health professionals, patients, and community members; and improve understanding of health and disease in carrying out these activities this institution works to respect your values and dignity.
  • You are responsible for telling your nurse, therapist, or doctor when you are having pain. Ask your doctor or nurse what to expect concerning pain and discuss pain relief options with them. We want you to work with us to develop a pain relief plan. Report your pain when it first begins and report pain that is unrelieved by pain relief measures already tried.

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