
Hands-Only CPR

Have you ever thought about what you would do if someone around you suddenly needed help? One of the most important skills you can have in an emergency is knowing how to perform CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.) You can do it with just your hands. Let's discuss the power of hands-only CPR, why it’s so simple and effective, and why you should learn it.

What is Hands-Only CPR?

Hands-only CPR is a simplified version of traditional CPR that only focuses on chest compressions. Basically, if someone’s heart suddenly stops, they need blood to keep flowing. You can step in and help by giving compressions to keep things moving.  

How Does it Work?

Hands-only CPR is very effective in the first few minutes of a cardiac emergency. By doing chest compressions, you’re helping to circulate blood and keep vital organs alive and well until help arrives.  

Research shows that quick action can make a huge difference. Starting chest compressions immediately can double or even triple someone’s chances of survival. 

How to Do Hands-Only CPR

Here’s the step-by-step to performing hands-only CPR:

  1. Check for a Response
    Gently tap their shoulder and shout, “Are you okay?” If there's no response, it’s time to call 911.
  2. Position Your Hands
    Place the heel of one hand in the center of their chest (right above the sternum). Put your other hand on top, interlock your fingers, and you’re ready to go!
  3. Start Chest Compressions
    With straight arms, push hard and fast—100 to 120 compressions per minute (about the beat of “Stayin’ Alive” by the Bee Gees). Press down at least 2 inches deep.
  4. Keep Going Until Help Arrives
    Keep those compressions going until First Responders show up or until the person starts to respond.

Learn more about hands-only CPR by visiting the American Heart Association’s 

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