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Tuesday, June 6, 2023 San Juan Regional Medical Center Joins the Global What Matters to You? Movement

San Juan Regional Medical Center is proud to be part of the international What Matters to You? movement to improve patient outcomes by focusing on patient-centered care. This global initiative has spread to more than 49 countries, where caregivers are empowered to encourage meaningful conversations with patients, family members, caretakers and healthcare providers by asking what matters most to them.

“Our purpose is to provide a positive patient experience that focuses on what matters to our patients. We want to develop empathy, build trust, and understand our patients’ needs, and ultimately align our care with their preferences. That is the heart of patient centered care,” said Rachel Timmerman, Patient Experience Manager.

Asking What Matters to You? is about working to understand what matters to a patient within the larger context of their life. It is a simple question with a powerful impact. It can help patients and caregivers:

  • Improve communication
  • Foster shared decisions
  • Build trust and respectful relationships
  • Ensure that care is aligned with what matters to patients and their families, which in turn contributes to a more successful treatment plan

“We are joining the What Matters to You? movement because it’s the right thing to do. It’s best for our patients and leads to better clinical outcomes. Patients who have a good experience are more likely to take their medications, follow instructions and follow up after their discharge,” said Chief Medical Officer Dr. Robert Underwood.

The What Matters to You? program is about the totality of the patient experience and includes three simple actions.

  1. Ask What Matters
  2. Listen to What Matters
  3. Do What Matters

 “Shifting the power to the person who knows best about the help or support they need changes the conversation and helps our caregivers understand what is most important to our patients,” said Jason Rounds, President and CEO. “This leads to better care partnerships and improved patient experience.”

What Matters to our Patients, Matters to Us. We look forward to providing patient-centered care and improving the experience to our patients and community members who trust us with their care.

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