San Juan Regional Medical Center supports the community in a variety of ways, including the Community Reinvestment Fund. All applications for this type of funding must meet the criteria and guidelines set forth below. It is not for fundraisers, sponsorships, or special events. Requests for those categories may be made through SJRMC community relations fundingwhere other specific criteria must be met.
Funding priorities for the Community Reinvestment Fund will focus on health needs identified in our annual Community Needs Assessment survey. Requests for funding should also further the mission, vision, and philosophy of SJRMC.
Types of Funding
SJRMC will fund projects and opportunities in the following ways:
- Seed Money: This category is for projects that need funding to get started. Funding will be available for three years where the amount is reduced by 50 percent each year. For example, if the original request is for $10,000, the maximum amount for the second year is $5,000 and $2,500 for the third year.
- One-time Funding: This funding is for a specific amount with no further funding needed.
- Ongoing Funding: This funding is for projects deemed appropriate for addressing a community health need on a continual basis. An annual review of the project is mandatory.
A budget must be submitted with the request. The maximum that will be funded is 40 percent of the total budget for seed money and one-time funding projects.
Annual Reporting
Applicants must submit an annual report on current and open projects including those that will be made in the first quarter of the fiscal year.
Proof of Not-for-Profit Status
Applicants must submit a current IRS determination letter as proof that your organization has not-for-profit status.
All applications for funding must be in writing and address the following:
- How the project benefits the service area of the hospital—including San Juan County, Farmington, Aztec, Bloomfield, and the surrounding area
- A description of both the organization and the project for which the funds are requested
- Which community need is being met and how the program will provide measurable improvement in the community with specific performance measures
- Other organizations supporting the project or organization
- How the program is consistent with the mission, vision, and philosophy of SJRMC
- Who the project or program coordinator is
- Whether volunteers will be used
- A budget for consulting fees if there will be a consultant
Post Funding Reporting
This is an executive summary that must be submitted in writing 90 days post funding. Failure to submit a post funding report could impact future requests for funding. The summary must include the following information:
- How the funding benefited the project
- How many people were served
- How many volunteers were used to complete the project (if applicable)
- How many paid personnel and/or consultants were used and the associated costs
- Submit performance measurement to date
- Problems that arose during the first 60 days and how they were addressed
- Any other information that is pertinent to the project your organization would like to share
Please fill out the application below and email to
Community Reinvestment Application (download)