Diagnoses Served
Admission to the San Juan Regional Rehabilitation Hospital is not dependent on any specific diagnosis. Each patient's medical information, needs, ability to perform daily activities and potential to improve are considered. However, one must meet admission criteria.
Your Stay
What to bring:
• Three or four sets of loose, comfortable, washable clothing, underclothes and, if desired, nightclothes
• T-shirts, sweatshirts, and elastic waist pants or sweatpants that work well for exercising and easy dressing
• If you normally wear button-up shirts, skirts, zippered pants or overalls, bring a set of these to practice these dressing skills
• A pair of comfortable, sturdy, walking shoes that stay on well (these don't have to be tennis shoes)
• Eyeglasses, hearing aids, or dentures if you use them
• Electrical appliances such as electric razors, tape decks, and radios may be brought, but must be approved by the facility before you use them here
• Pictures, pillow, blanket, or other items from home may make your room more comfortable
• Please mark all of your personal items with your name
• You will not need to bring any money and valuables should be left at home
What to expect:
• When you arrive, a case management representative will meet with you and/or your family to register you for our services
• Your nurse will meet you and show you where things are located. The nurse will ask about your background and find out about any special questions or needs you may have
• Each patient has a consistent team of therapists working with them throughout their stay so the therapy plan is individualized and based on your assessed need
• Everyone receives therapy Monday through Friday
• Our patients receive their meals in the dayroom to provide an atmosphere of community and support
• Family members are welcome to visit during mealtimes
• It may be possible for your family to bring in special foods, but they must check with your nurse first
• Each patient room has a telephone by the bed
• Long distance calls cannot be charged to the room, but you may call collect or use a calling card or credit card
• Incoming calls between 9:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. are discouraged
• You may receive mail here by having it addressed as:
Your Name
San Juan Regional Rehabilitation Hospital
525 S. Schwartz Avenue
Farmington, NM 87401
• Suggest to those writing to you to use your home address as the return address. That way, if you've left, your mail will be forwarded to you
No smoking or use of e-cigarettes is allowed in or outside the building on San Juan Regional Rehabilitation Hospital property
Clothing may be taken home by your family to wash or you may make arrangements with nursing to have it washed here
Each week, your clinical rehabilitation team will review your case and update your plan of care
Visiting Hours
Family and friends may visit during these hours:
Monday - Friday 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Saturday 1:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Since rehabilitation can be very tiring work, visitation hours and the number of visitors may be limited to allow needed rest time.
Visitors must be 18 years or older. Children will not be allowed to visit.
Visitors are not allowed to stay overnight.
Medical Debt Assistance Program
Some individuals may have enough income to pay for basic living expenses but can't pay for unexpected or large medical bills. San Juan Regional Rehabilitation Hospital offers a Medical Debt Assistance Program (MDAP) that may help cover all or a portion of the cost of your rehabilitation hospitalization based on eligibility criteria.
For information on the Medical Debt Assistance Program, ask your case manager at 505.609.2660 to assist you. Or, contact our billing office staff at 505.609.2838. You may inquire before admission, while you are in the hospital, or even after you have been discharged.
Your rehabilitation team will work with you and your family to estimate how long you would benefit from staying in the program. Training will be provided for you and your family members so you will be able to function safely in the home and community. Your team members will coordinate times for training and practice. The case manager will help arrange for the care you need after leaving, such as home health care, outpatient therapy, doctor's appointments, etc.
Discharge Equipment
Before your discharge, equipment may be recommended for you to use when you go home. This may include a wheelchair, walker, bath bench, grab bars, or long handled bath sponge. Your therapists will help you decide what you will need. Some items may not be paid for by your insurance. If they are not, your case manager and therapists will talk with you about your options.
It is best not to buy equipment or start remodeling until you and your caregivers have talked with your therapists